1994 Russia: Youddiph - Vechny strannik (Place 9 at ESC in Dublin) Юдифь - Вечный странник SUBTITLES
Performed by: Youddiph
Music by: Lev Zemlinski
Lyrics by Maria “Pilgrim“ Katz (“Youddiph“)
Conductor: Lev Zemlinski
Language: Russian
Placing: 9th (70 points)
Other versions: English
If you want to read the original Russian lyrics please click the SUBTITLES button. And if you wish to understand them, select the language of your choice in the settings.
You can listen to the English version of the song here:
“Vechny strannik“ (Russian: Ве́чный стра́нник, lit. ’Eternal wanderer’) was the Russian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1994, performed in Russian by Youddiph. This was Russia’s debut at the Contest, and consequently the first occasion on which the language was used onstage.
The song was performed twenty-third on the night, following Hungary’s Friderika with “Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?“ and preceding Poland’s Edyta Górniak with “To nie ja“. At the close of voting, it had received 70 points, placing 9th in a field of 25. While this result was not as striking as the positions attained by Poland and Hungary, the fact that three Eastern European countries had placed in the top 10 was an indication of future trends at the Contest, which would be dominated by countries from that region within a decade.
It was succeeded as Russian representative at the 1995 Contest by Philip Kirkorov with “Kolybelnaya dlya vulkana“.
Вечный странник
Ты не со мной сейчас, ты далеко
В разных мирах жить нелегко
Может быть, только сон может помочь
Увидеть тебя, коснуться рукой
И снова ночь уходит прочь, твой голос далеко
И я кричу тебе через моря:
“Наш дом хранит твоё тепло
В нём пусто без тебя“
В этом доме я
Вечный странник, я твоя судьба
Знаю, помнишь обо мне
Ты всегда в пути, но для тебя
Яркий свет в моём окне
Там далеко рассвет, в небе заря
Вновь полыхнёт ярким цветком
В утренней тишине я не одна:
День принесёт встречу с тобой
И снова ночь уходит прочь, твой голос далеко
И я кричу тебе через моря:
“Наш дом хранит твоё тепло“
“В нём пусто без тебя“
В этом доме я
Вечный странник, я твоя судьба
Знаю, помнишь обо мне
Ты всегда в пути, но для тебя
Яркий свет в моём окне
Вечный странник, я твоя судьба
Знаю, помнишь обо мне
Ты всегда в пути, но для тебя
Яркий свет в моём окне
Eternal wanderer
You are not with me, you are far away
It’s not easy to live in different worlds
Maybe only a dream can help me
To see and touch you
And the night passes by, your voice is far away
And I shout to you from over the seas:
“In our house is still your warmth
But the house is empty without you“
In this house there is just me
Eternal wanderer, I’m your destiny
I know, you will remember me
You are always on the way, but there is always
A bright light for you in my window
There is the sunrise, the dawn
In the sky glow bright and coloured
In the silence of morning I’m not alone:
The new day brings the meeting with you
And the night passes by, your voice is far away
And I shout to you from over the seas:
“In our house is still your warmth
But the house is empty without you“
In this house there is just me
Eternal wanderer, I’m your destiny
I know, you will remember me
You are always on the way, but there is always
A bright light for you in my window
Eternal wanderer, I’m your destiny
I know, you will remember me
You are always on the way, but there is always
A bright light for you in my window
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