Master Class with Jacob Collier [FULL VIDEO] at Berklee College of Music Learning Center
Master Class with Jacob Collier Berklee College of Music Learning Center
00:00 - Introduction to the Masterclass
02:00 - Arranging songs and Jacob’s workflow (Fascinating Rhythm as an example)
07:40 - What’s the lowest note Jacob can sing?
08:38 - Fascinating Rhythm segment from the bass up to the melody
10:17 - “Equal Temperament is a scam“ and “properly tuning chords“
14:16 - Fourths and Fifths in voicings
16:07 - “Super Lydian“ and “Super-Ultra-Hyper-Mega-Meta-Lydian“
17:17 - Tonality, key centers, cadences and resolutions
27:13 - Last couple of chords from Fascinating Rhythm
30:00 - Working triads over bass notes (major triads)
33:10 - Figuring out harmony using piano
34:36 - More about Lydian and the harmonic series
37:25 - Personality of the notes of the scale
40:29 - Chord tensions and voice timbre
42:33 - Semitones at the top of voicings
45:48 - Changing voice texture depending on chord tensions
46:55 - Panning voices
47:37 - Fascinating Rhythm easter egg
52:19 - Last chords of Fascinati
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