Brian Culbertson - The Trilogy, Pt 1 - Red (full album)

Album: The Trilogy, Pt 1, Red Artist: Brian Culbertson Written, arranged & produced by Brian Culbertson Released by BCM Entertainment, Inc. Please support music artists by downloading their music at any authorized digital music platform. Amazon: iTunes: Spotify: Nataly’s Corner taking you into the #smoothjazz zone with music from The Trilogy, Pt. 1 (Red), the new compilation, released on September 24, 2021, from smooth jazz/R&B/funk musician, instrumentalist, producer, and performer Brian Culbertson. Brian defines The Trilogy project in three parts: Part 1 is Red, referring to “passion”; Part 2 & 3 (Blue, White, respectively) are projected for release in 2022. This video has music from the entire Pt. 1 album: ten songs of pure passion with Brian’s piano-jazz flavor of
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