Tim Schafer on 30 Years of Day of the Tentacle, Psych Odyssey and AI in the Games Industry
Cressup chats to the legendary game developer Tim Schafer. Tim has been at the forefront of many cherished adventure and story-driven games, from Day of the Tentacle, which has just celebrated its 30th anniversary, to Grim Fandango, Full Throttle and Psychonauts 1 and 2 with Double FIne. Cressup chats through all these different moments in his career and also touches on topics such as AI’s place in the games industry, spirituality, writing processes and of course, what’s next for Double Fine!
Double Fine:
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00:00:00 Intro
00:01:01 What colour is the sky in your world?
00:02:42 Interviewing at Double Fine
00:03:37 Memories of Skywalker Ranch
00:06:24 Did you ever get imposter syndrome?
00:08:50 When did you realise games could be funny?
00:09:35 Do you like Marmite?
00:11:14 Writing routines Fav dialogue
00:17:20 Day of the Tentacle
00:27:40 Crunch mode during LucasArts (and beyond)
00:35:00 Would you ever make another adventure game?
00:36:14 Full Throttle sequel(s)
00:41:50 Psychadelics spirituality
00:46:00 Thoughts on AI
00:50:55 Brutal Legend Heavy Metal
00:56:55 Watching Psych Odyssey
01:02:05 What is Double Fine working on?
01:04:55 How interacting with fans has changed
01:07:30 What gaming genre would you get rid of?
01:08:25 Have you played Zelda Tears of the Kingdom?
01:11:45 The future of E3 and other in person events
4 months ago 01:01:24 1
Tim Schafer of Double Fine Productions - The AIAS Game Maker’s Notebook
5 months ago 00:28:53 1