Dir en Grey - Ware, Yami Tote... [我、闇とて・・・](piano cover)

I have been listening to that CD a lot lately, it’s beautiful :3 And Ware, Yami Tote... is my favorite song from that CD. I really felt that the lyrics and music touched me. Kyo is amazing.... :3 This cover is based on the unplugged version (the best version X3~) but not completely the same, it’s just my own rendition of it. 我、闇とて・・・ translations and romanji: 限られた時間の狭間で風に染まり 立ち止る俺は誰? 有り触れた言葉の狭間で壊れていき 繰り返す此処は何処? 意志を闇に染て 息を断
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