Robert Wyatt - The Highest Gander (Winged Migration OST)

Original soundtrack to the documentary composed by Bruno Coulais. Winged Migration (Le Peuple Migrateur) is the 2001 Oscar nominated worldwide hit documentary film directed by Jacques Cluzaud, Michel Debats and Jacques Perrin. The film showcases the immense journeys routinely made by birds during their migrations. Overland, above the dark seas Wild refugees flee the seasons Drifting beyond the night clouds In the wake of their guiding star There he goes the famous gander Eating fog, dancing with witches There he goes, the famous old gander who longed to leave If you hear the sound of our voices Through the busy murmur of the Earth You will know the meaning of our words Praying for Spring to the ether Night and day the travellers fly Winter and Spring have their reasons Sailing through sunrise and setting wild wind And through steel blue air Here he comes, the highest gander Eating fog, dancing with witches Here he comes the famous ol
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