NEW Pacific Vibe ~ WOW!!!!😱 Golden DRAGON ~ Abstract Acrylic Pour Painting 💙 Fluid Art
Some acrylic pour paintings make you sweat and today’s painting is one of those. I hope that today’s example helped you to realize that there are always challenges involved in any abstract art creation, even tho you’re the only one who gets to decide what you want it to look like. Yes, we’re our worst critics, but moving forward no matter what and following your heart I think is the only way to overcome that, as in doing so you stay true to yourself. I’m in love with this gorgeous Golden Dragon pour 💗 This blowing technique requires a very fluid consistency, which allows creating the most beautiful color transition with the most simple pouring recipe. I hope you enjoyed the process and looking forward to hearing from you! Happy creating!
More ideas with just paint and water -
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