Russian telegram “visionary channel“: Negotiations for peace in Ukraine have begun. In China

Russian telegram “visionary channel“: Negotiations for peace in Ukraine have begun. In China “The first visit to China by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine D. Kuleba since the beginning of the Northern Military District is not of a ritual nature, it is exclusively working. And it will last three whole days, which also emphasizes the scope of the negotiations. The first meeting in Guangzhou with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi lasted more than three hours - longer than planned. What did the Ukrainians begin to negotiate in China with such intensity, literally from scratch? Obviously not about humanitarian assistance, but exclusively about the format of the peace agreement for Ukraine. Kuleba directly stated Kyiv’s readiness to negotiate with Moscow. But first there must be negotiations with Beijing. After the events in the United States, the question of continuing the war in 2025 has actually been removed for Kyiv. And the task voiced by Zelensky to stop hostilities... Source: Victor vicktop55
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