Soft Spoken Bowls Meditation for SLEEP πŸ’œ ASMR, Qi Sounds, Sleep Music, Himalayan Singing Bowls

Welcome to an ASMR softly spoken meditation for sleep with Himalayan singing bowls in A 81/4β€œ, B 7β€œ, C 8β€œ, D 9β€œ, E 11β€œ on the front right to left. On the left ear back side there is B 8β€œ, F 71/2β€œ, G# 12β€œ. On the right ear back side there is G 7β€œ, E 71/2β€œ, F 111/2β€œ. Plenty of notes for plenty of sleep πŸ€— Featuring a soft spoken meditation with ASMR layered sounds of a Hardwood Kokiriko, Chimes, Dragon ball, Kabolonga Nut Shaker and a Wooden Frog πŸ’œ Sleep well my friends, Emma Previous bowl sessions on this channel - Old style ’LoFi’ ASMR videos on my other channel - [club166503310|@MyPurpleLife] πŸ™πŸΌ [id269640|*Thank] you* for helping *Whispaws Animal Sanctuary* We are still building facilities and rescuing abandoned dogs each week!
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