What is ’The Event’?
Voice-Guided Video to the Event:
The Event entails the following changes to our reality:
Temporary Bank Closures (2 Weeks Max)
Disclosure Playing on Television and Emergency Broadcast System
Mass Arrests of the Cabal (Televised)
Liberation of Planet Earth from Dark Forces
Release of Suppressed Technologies
New Temporary Financial System Put in Place
Eventually First Contact
Ascension for Some Beings
You can help speed up the process by participating in weekly meditations:
TO FREEDOM&iso=20180811T111111&p1=195&am=15
Video Credit:
Other scenes from ’The Island’ and ’The Hungergames: The Mockingjay Part II’
Song Credit:
Ivan Torrent - Edge of Consciousness 432Hz
Sound Effects:
3 weeks ago 00:32:12 1
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