Israeli soldiers arrest ’Udai Da’na, 17, at home in Hebron ’Eid al-Adha, 23 Aug. 2018

On the evening of 23 August 2018, the third day of ’Eid al-Adha, 12 soldiers came to the home of the expanded Da’na family in Hebron’s al-Hariqa neighborhood. They entered all six apartments, saying they were looking for stone-throwers. In Naef and Dalal Da’na’s home, they demanded that 13 family members, including Naef’s elderly parents, wait in the bathroom while they search. The family refused and went into another room. During the search, the soldiers ordered May Da’na, who was filming the incident, to leave. After three hours, they arrested ’Udai, 17. When family members followed them, the soldiers hurled stun grenades at them.
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