“Imbernon VS Qstaw“ is taken from “Ambient Doom Dream“ limited CD/Digital. Out May 5th 2023. Limited CD by Clouded Mind Records.
Ambient doom dream is the first long length music release of the current Gangrened line-up leaving aside drums and vocals. It captures a improvisated piece of music from their second rehersal together as Gangrened. This is the story behind this recording: The Friday May 5th 2022 Jon Imbernon, guitarrist, and Olli Wikström, synth and sampler, met in Seinajöki with Lassi Männikkö, previous Gangrened drummer, to pick up Jon´s guitar gear after the last gigs of previous line up to bring it to the new rehersal room in Kokkola. While the trip back to Kokkola and the first hits of the Finnish summer felt like end of a era and beginning of a new one. This same day when arriving in Kokkola the new line up set up their gear in the new place and started jaming. Jon with his stereo guitar rig placed around the room. Olli with his set up for this ocassion consisting of synth and sampler. Amps were properly loud, and Jon brought in a guitar lick which he was noddling with for a while already. The inspiration and excitement was flowing resulting into that they both realized to be able to create solid music in real time while improvising. Then it was decieded to come back the day after and record the improvisation and develop the raw idea of jamming around that guitar lick. Then this happened and it was captured 50 mins of the actual rehersal/improvisation. The 2 of them improvising around that guitar lick and way way beyond..... The recording sounded specially good considering the minimal recording set up was used, even Jon considers that the guitar tone is more natural and loyal to his guitar sound than the guitar sound in Deadly Algorithm. So it was decieded to release what was considered the highlight of the improvisation as a track as a digital single: “Turbulent Times“. After that came the posibility of releasing the whole thing physically through Clouded Mind Records from Sweden, so the original mix was remixed and mastered by Miguel Souto in Spain putting the whole recording into a next level thanks to Miguel´s work. So here it is, the whole improvisation has been divided in 6 tracks, including “Turbulent Times“ remixed and remastered and having as end a revision of the intro of the song “Kuningatar“ from Deadly Algorithm recorded the way Jon was playing it live, more spacial, but with synth and sampler and without drums and bass.
“Ambient Doom Dream“, represents a exercise of inmersion by Gangrened´s new line up in the more dreamy 90s, think about Kranky records, or Slowdive´s “Pigmalyon“ album blended with blurry heavy fuzzed guitars and droned synths all with a lot of feedback in the key of trance in between. A heavy dreamy experience from begining to end. Another highlight of “Ambient Doom Dream“ is “Imbernon VS. Qstaw“ second track and another descension into despair like “Harrbåda“ from “Deadly Algorithm“ was but deeper and heavier sounding, and created 100% on the fly while improvising.
Needs to be mentioned that this is not the second album of Gangrened, this is a evolutionary transitional release between first and second album.
“Ambient Doom Dream“ will be released digitally in all streaming platforms and also on a small run of 33 handmade digipack CDs by the Swedish label Clouded Mind Records the next Friday 5th May, a year after the recording was made. In the meantime, The 5th track “Transitional trance 2“ extracted from this dreamy musical piece is released now.
releases May 5, 2023
Mixing and mastering by Miguel Souto.
Jon Imbernon - Guitars and feedback in trance key.
Olli Wikström - Sampler, synth and effects.
Thanks a lot to Jocke Norgren / Clouded Mind Records.
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