Robots : Top 10 Most Amazing Advanced Robots That Will Change Your World
10 Most Advanced Robots In The World You Won’t Believe Exist
You will see that robots are really advanced smart and are not far to be as smart as humans. Science fiction is becoming reality.
The day were robots will outsmart humans is not that far. It will be incredible. Robots already have been highly involved in our manufacturing settings but every year the robot advancements have been evolving quickly. Humanoid robots made a lot of progress these recents years. Some of these humanoid robots will work in the tertiary sector and other will be war robots . Some military robots are terrifying. We are not that far from a terminator scenario.
These robots are reshaping the world. They are autonomous and smart enough to do some basics stuff.
Here is the most advanced robots in the world and you did not knew they existed . It’s incredible that they already exist .
10 - HRP 4- Robot
A robot that dance and can recognize its environment
9 - Valkyrie from NASA
A robot that will go to mars. A pure
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