’Deewana Dil Deewana’ from ’Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa’ features Amit Kumar and Udit Narayan’s voices, they beautifully capture the pain of waiting for someone special to arrive in this lyrical masterpiece by Majrooh Sultanpuri. The music is composed and directed by Jatin-Lalit. This Bollywood romantic comedy directed by Kundan Shah is one of the few Hindi films where the Shah Rukh Khan plays a sidekick, the movie also stars Suchitra Krishnamoorthi and Deepak Tijori.
Song Name - Deewana Dil Deewana
Movie -Kabhi
3 months ago 00:03:12 1
O Jaana Na Jaana - Lofi Mix | Salman Khan, Namrata Shirodkar| Kumar Sanu, Lata Mangeshkar | 90’s