
HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO K1 HERE I should’ve been mixing this a month ago...! But ya’know I’m super lazy. as hell. really. fu. So yesterday I was like “D:[ “ and tadaaaaaaaaa, finished! Thanks to everybody who was cheering me up and helping to mix! I love ya’ll *heart* Everyone did a good job singing this! :3 I love you guys ^^ So. Mr. Music was composed by rerulili and toku-p for VOCALOIDs. We own only our voices Lyrics by VoicelessBird --- Hatsune Miku: Keiichi Kagamine Rin: OrikaNekoi Megurine Luka: Aravija Kagamine Len: Ichiko/VoicelessBird Miku Append: Akari Miku GUMI: Satu Sora Kaai Yuki: Shiko --- Такие дела. Не обошлось без пасхальных яиц, ведь видео делал я.
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