Béla Viktor János Bartók (25 March 1881 – 26 September 1945) was a Hungarian composer, pianist, and ethnomusicologist. He is considered one of the most important composers of the 20th century; he and Franz Liszt are regarded as Hungary’s greatest composers (Gillies 2001). Through his collection and analytical study of folk music, he was one of the founders of comparative musicology, which later became ethnomusicology.
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Duke Bluebeard’s Castle (A kékszakkallú Herceg Vára), opera in one act, Sz. 48, BB 62 (Op. 11)
Librettist: Béla Balázs (1884-1949
Christopher Hassall (1912-1963), English text
Gwynne Howell, Sally Burgess
BBC National Orchestra of Wales conducted by Mark Elder
Description by Michael Rodman [-]
The year 1911 was, from one perspective, exactly the wrong time for a young, albeit respected, composer to be making his initial foray into opera. As Bart&