Complete guide to Akai Katana Shin : basics, advanced techniques, practice tips, full run ( pts)

This video is divided into many sections, you can skip some parts if you want. Detailed timestamps are written below. Note that the video is unscripted, so some inaccuracies might be in it. For example, in the commentary of stage 5, I say “planes“ instead of “helicopters“ a few times. I do recommend watching the advanced techniques in order. If you watched the official tutorial (from the xbox 360 version, it’s somewhere on youtube as well), that’s more or less the things I cover in the beginner tutorial part. Regarding the practice tips, I wanted to give original tips I didn’t really see elsewhere. If you think the comparison with piano playing is boring, just skip it. The example which tries to distinguish skills from knowledge is I think the most interesting thing from this part of the video. At first I just wanted to make a commentary of my run, but I think it is not really possible in isolation, things are going way too fast to explain anything. So that’s why I made the first hour of this video. The run commentary is at the end, but a good deal of what I discuss in it are just random details. If you want to learn the techniques, that’s in the advanced techniques section. About type A and type C ships, just after I recorded this video, a japanese player made a 6.7 billion points run on steam, and was kind enough to make the replay public. That’s almost world record ( by nitiku), so you can use it if you want to learn this ship. You’ll see that most katana shots are in the same spot as in my run, but you have much more constraints when it comes to getting the ressources, with a heavy focus on managing your option very precisely. For type C, I only know of a 240p video on nico by nitiku, and it is only stage 5. That’s small to learn the game, so you would have to build your own route in its entirety. 00:00 Intro 01:07 Beginner tutorial 09:57 Advanced techniques : Stage 3 : fast katana crafting, efficient energy collection, bombing 23:52 About lives and energy 32:21 Stage 6 (second part) : Chaining, using enemy lasers 45:27 Stage 6 (beginning) : a useful chaining tip 48:49 Practice tips : It might be harder than it looks 51:22 The replay training (very important !) 54:48 Overview of the training mode options 01:00:20 Shmups and piano... same thing ?! 01:01:42 Skills vs knowledge discussion (useful concept) 01:05:54 Practical example of skills vs knowledge at the beginning of stage 4 01:14:26 About muscle memory : playing with your eyes (skip if you want) 01:17:24 The least resistance path (skip if you want) 01:20:35 Runs and perfectionism (skip if you want) 01:24:34 The run : Small disclaimer regarding fast ressource collection 01:26:06 The run itself 01:27:37 Stage 1 01:29:48 Stage 2 01:33:24 Stage 3 01:38:00 Stage 4 01:43:55 Stage 5 01:51:21 Stage 6 01:58:12 Stage 7 (boss)
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