Suisei is solving the Escape Room in Resident Evil 7 [Hololive]
#Hololive #Hoshimachi_Suisei
Suisei back again with Resident Evil 7 and she sure is a Winner!
Hololive Japan, Hoshimachi Suisei (vtuber)
@Suisei Channel
English nor Japanese are my first language
Thats one reason why I AM NOT A TRANSLATOR (or at least I don’t see myself as one)
I make funny, enjoyable or in different ways interesting clips of Vtubers.
If the clip is in japanese I offer context to the best of my abilties and the tools that are available to me.
Sometimes this is just not enough and I make mistakes.
I started doing clips to have a reason to pick up japanese again which got rusty over the years
but even more because Vtubers give me so much fun and joy in difficult times and I have fun doing this clips.
I hope that this translates more then the subs to the viewers and I can give you some of that joy.