Fire Meditation by Your Fireplace Here|4hours 4K| Медитация огня у вашего камина здесь | ASMR АСМР

What is fire meditation? Like any meditation, #firemeditation is a contemplative practice. In fact, religious nonsense and mystical delirium aside, fire meditation is contemplation of an open flame without being distracted by anything else. Everything is extremely simple. In fact, any person who is resting near the #fireplace or by the fire, not thinking about anything, but simply watching the flame, performs the fire meditation. How to Meditate on Fire? Meditation is not something difficult that requires the mobilization of will and the exertion of all forces. Like any meditation, fire meditation combines relaxation and concentration. It won’t be superfluous to remind you that concentration has nothing to do with tension. Concentration is just a lack of scattering of attention. You can be focused and relaxed at the same time. How, however, you can be tense and concentrated. But meditation requires relaxation and concentration, which, alas, is not always easy for a modern person to achieve, since most peo
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