Everything is linked below. TOPS white bodysuit, similar MBTqO_87eZU-cYsJbD7muQ white t-shirt,arket,size UK8 Skn87fVNOZWPlbiLwwsxrA green t-shirt,&otherstories,size UK8 MJYvsHRuPEkgVU0hV4a2eg striped t-shirt,hm,size S djeB9b1Cv7FiEu5fCBdhiw white blouse,hm,size S 3RkMUHDQyzEh8vb97xzAIA pink shirt,hm,size XS NMEPPNxWyn0MiWY4mXSihA blue striped shirt,ralph lauren,size UK8 v73KiFEPxOF9TBhhOPSypw blue striped shirt,mango,size S 1R5C4WhwjhTovw6fu_ng4w beige striped shirt,hm,size XS XzGxT4JsbK6sB0syLpYGeg denim shirt,hm,size S _Uc3afjxaddAwtpCLVvHhg blue top,arket,size S T363LcK5ipQy...2Uc8bbuYMA CARDIGANS black striped cardigan,goelia,size M U-Sp9JDQUIdoOj064IEnig beige striped cardigan,hm,size S OHeU9L4pxBYiWVFBfTuVHg grey cardigan,abercrombie,size S QqOBt4myQE_YkRlOj5dWiQ black cardigan,mango,size S _63OgI9iCDZ40hVNFWLYXQ BLAZERS, JACKETS & TRENCH COATS beige blazer,mango,size M o7OZ9X3jhpiHrSgrhApF-A ecru blazer,hm,size S pXARsPBEEldj9wMipyMt_Q black blazer,arket,size UK10 T9-6plzuj25SgsiU796gqg blue jacket,hm,size S HRS-aveMWfo1HU0HzXsf3A beige trench coat,mango,size S tS5-MVXYvUFfzBz-pVDX_Q navy trench coat,ralph lauren,size UK8 -T5SoAo2s2tAqQ57FCfm5w light green trench coat,&otherstories,size S sWOCvar9AWgT-9ol5KScog BOTTOMS & DRESSES white trousers,lily silk,size UK14 Qdqpfhr1cdFiybPT8-c0yw black trousers,&otherstories,size UK8 49D7zwVZI4C25v0UrQAy-g navy ankle trousers,similar Dfjs8C75PcbSSoOgPSc2Yw white ankle jeans,hm,size UK10 4OSDHD2A-VfYix7OAfB-cQ blue ankle jeans,hm,size UK8 6SmQ5QfR-TOmBHwgp0JSWA white denim skirt,mango,size S xO61lBzNBtMiNNRMjlDBKw khaki skirt,arket,size UK10 njPbcPUtdnIMozsgnUcR7g cream knit dress,pretty lavish,size S P0AVZLJYOmSZKmfdaaQtHw khaki knit dress,mango,size S fOoyBH-ASXAbahm1Q2VlLg white dress,hm,size S KZEoKMmLyzmqirapriOOdg blue striped dress,ralph lauren,size UK10 uKYgYOtBbknQEs_zm8xvgQ denim dress,zara,size S SHOES black flats,ralph lauren oVLdGgvWKgYz4lC1b2yI-A black flats,mango KZesf4U2xgxHIH7m0Badfg tan flats,ralph lauren AQ1fqVu9QSqlSzlT5Hoq6Q silver flats,asos qQ4HGBeV345nKrIzKDvfeA silver flats,new look qX7CAh6knslDLi450lP8-g beige flats,john lewis CYXSaIZm7boDg5-rfH_chg beige loafers,mint velvet, 5_F2vNj7tu88SJxGfPkK2A tan loafers,hm 27KOxAFsfiUY-kzSSaHTvw blue flats,asos px9VNXt78aDbHzfVl_6PYA black slingback heels,asos DnN-bM5RWjZ7mVqpA8KUhw beige slingback heels,mango S25TDGvuSkrXrb509qJDRA white trainers,adidas HUsvAVeI5XQ7Y55DuoaqKg black trainers,adidas bUpImAfvCfZ1pRwGiRiXCA BAGS black handbag,zara - discontinued tan handbag,totes luxe black handbag,totes luxe white handbag,polene paris taupe handbag,polene paris tan handbag,hm IWE9DWP-DbLCo04yFuBzFQ silver mini bag,asos uagErxDTRT7v_Dk5xqy2Zg ACCESSORIES black belt,amazon oxZ2IGLmA5mp3CYOWnSudQ tan belt,amazon WQwZK6meWWVTiWQslnAvsg white belt,amazon ZB6gHdlmIkCD-S0EieOg8w tan belt,ralph lauren gBO4luMkp_eB7O_bnzcv5g beige belt,reiss Ws4gmwZxk4yauOkHHSzFSg black belt,reiss cF1s96Pvk5omFXutE_F9ng white thin belt,reiss 8BOw-24QLmnE3cJL2Y8zpg black sunglasses,hm 3lz2aI-A19zeXpFYYBgJYw brown sunglasses,hm e-bBBO0S_LbZyTc1AS31FA beige sunglasses,hm 2crCCE28YDKUmrT3BsXt5w black & gold sunglasses,hm fP4et44S3AOuNKDZIbOuMw beige cat eye sunglasses,&otherstories -sG5QiUgjsdjM3RHAeLkdw CONTACT - For all enquires please email me at larisanania@ DISCLAIMER: I use some affiliate links. This does not change the price of what you buy, it just means that a small commission goes to me, who has helped drive the sale. This helps support my channel and allows me to continue to make videos like these. Some of the pieces I show are sent to me by brands. Unless disclaimed, I am not contracted to talk about or promote the item.
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