Present For A Princess (1957)

Muiden, Holland (Netherlands). LV. Lots of flag decorated yachts in the yacht harbour at Muiden where the new yacht for Princess Beatrix is anchored. GV. Princess’ yacht the “Green Dragon“ tied up in the harbour. SV. The Princess thanking committee at the official presentation of the yacht to her (natural sound). Scene changes to Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard of Holland and Princess Beatrix’s sisters Irene and Margriet listening to her speaking. Scene changes to Prince Bernhard and one of her sisters, as they listen to Princess Beatrix. Prince Bernhard is chewing his glasses. Scene changes to Princess Beatrix finishing her address (end of natural sound). AS. Royal standard flying at the top of the yacht masthead. SV. Princess Beatrix onboard the yacht. Queen Juliana being assisted aboard followed by Prince Bernhard, they go to look round it. SCU. Name on the side of the yacht. Camera pans up to the royal party looking at the outside of a cabin. SCU. Carved woodwork in the design of two dragons on an
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