4 Levels of ORION NEBULA - Beginner to Advanced Astrophotography

Orion Nebula was first photographed in 1880 with an 11“ refractor on to a glass plate. Today, we have more options than ever for getting started with deep sky astrophotography even with the camera on your phone! ... Tech details: Level 1 - Eyepiece projection, Celestron FirstScope, Huawei P30 Pro, single 3 second exposure, lightly edited to change contrast and saturation. Level 2 - Canon 5Dmk3, Rokinon 85mm at f/4, 450 x 2 seconds, Processed with DeepSkyStacker and Photoshop Level 3 - Canon EOS Ra, Canon 200mm at f/2.8, 150 x 30 seconds, Processed with PixInsight and Photoshop Level 4 - Canon EOS Ra, Stellarvue SVQ at f/5.4, Orion EQ6R, Astromania 60mm guidescope and ASI290MM-Mini guide camera, 33 x 90 seconds, Processed with PixInsight and Photoshop ============================= Supporting this channel: ============================= ◦ I’m on Patreon: ◦ You can use my affiliate link when shopping for astrophotog
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