And here. We. GO!
🔻 === S T U F F === 🔻
IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! My next full-length album REDEFINE!! With a few tracks following a story set in the dystopian future of Equestria in 2096!!
Some story beats may follow a similar path a certain video game that wasn’t super hotly received on launch but ahem WE HAVE HORSES! So I’ll take that as a dub c:
But yes! Here is the opening track Nemesis! And along with its release, the whole album is now live on Spotify, Apple music, Amazon, Bandcamp etc!
This song follows Scootaloo. A small time edgerunner who, while trying to complete a very high-risk
... high-reward gig, ends up with the personality chip of her long-time (deceased) idol in her head... A lot of conflicting thoughts ensue! OOooOoOOOoo!!
Anyway! This album has been a long LONG time in the works and I really hope you enjoy it!! :D
🔽 === D O W N L O A D S === 🔽
The WHOLE album is available on the following platforms! :D
Bandcamp (Deluxe digital w/ instr & acca):
YT Music:
✅ === C R E D I T S === ✅
🎤 Harmony vocals by Blackened Blue!
🎤 Harmony vocals by Sable Symphony!
YT: @SableSymphony
👕 === P A T R E O N === 👕
Wanna get the tracks, vids, and artwork sent to you each month? Patreon!
✍ === L Y R I C S === ✍
I am the nemesis
This world’s antithesis
The burning fear you feel inside of your chest
Turns out we’re all the same
All broken and afraid
How does it feel to know that I’m in your head
Oh I know you’re scared to die alone
I taste your fear like it’s my own
I know you’re one sick pegasi
I’ll teach you what it’s like to fly
So tear me down and build me up
(Your flesh is a weakness that I can’t trust)
This filly’s dreams nailed to the ground
(I won’t be held back I will not be bound)
My flesh and bone, sick pegasi
On wings but these feathers will never fly
So tear me down and build me up
Rip out the wires ’cause it’s time to go
We’re gonna burn down everything you know
Oh you’re drenched in blood and love the smell
Act like you don’t but I can tell
So listen close sick pegasi
I’ll tell you what it’s like to die
Clawed my way out every hole I was in
I’m not the type to let go or give in
I’ll cut you down if you stand in my way
So listen close when I say
F***ing move.
My time is up it’s all my fault
I tried but I lost every fight I fought
My time is up now you see
Follow the trail of lies back to me
This flesh and bone, sick pegasi
On wings but these feathers will never fly
So tear me down and build me up
💬 === S O C I A L S === 💬
#mlp #brony #metal
We’re all sick pegasiShow more