Most Expensive Overnight Bus in Japan 😪 Only 11 First Class Seats💺 Dream Sleeper ドリームスリーパー 夜行バス 個室

Dream Sleeper (ドリームスリーパー) is a luxury overnight bus hotel (高速バス 夜行バス) with the most expensive first class seats in Japan! (日本で一番高いファーストクラス席). This time, I traveled about 550 km (340 miles) from Tokyo to Osaka, taking 8 hours (大阪→東京). No shoes allowed on the bus. And when you close the individual door, your seat will become a private room. (土足禁止 完全個室). Right now, it only runs on weekends, so I recommend checking the official website as soon as you decide on your travel plans.  ☆★☆This is what it was actually like!☆★☆ ---Osaka to Tokyo on the Dream Sleeper--- * No shoes allowed (Carpeted floor)
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