Cadwallon army - Confrontation 3’rd edition Minatures & Cards collection by Paintguild miniatures
Collection of 32 mm miniatures pictures and cards for wargaming table-top skirmish game Confrontation by French company Rackham - Cadwallon army. This is intended for all collectors and gamer’s that like beautifully sculpted miniatures and wonderful game Confrontation.
0:20 Cadwe Guilds and Cry Havoc cards
3:25 Ahsa Ryar
3:51 Aiona
4:09 Arcanic thief
4:24 Cadwe agitator
4:41 Cadwe assassin
4:57 Cadwe bandit
5:10 Cadwe ferret
5:25 Cadwe gladiator, mail order
5:42 Cadwe minotaur maid
05:53 Cadwe undertaker 1