The Chateau Diaries 079: When the Cat’s Away...

Escape to the chateau with ’The Chateau Diaries’ 🏰 This weekly vlog follows the adventures of chatelaine Stephanie and her family and friends in the French, 16th century Chateau de Lalande, in the heart of rural France ❤️ This week Mummy and Percy finally leave the chateau at the end of summer - but will they be having a honeymoon?! And the rest of us start to party the moment Mummy’s back is turned... To see Celina’s YouTube channel if you’re lucky enough to speak Norwegian, click here: To see Celina and Sivert’s jewellery company, Ariviera, click here: Escape to the chateau with ’The Chateau Diaries’ 🏰 This weekly vlog follows the adventures of chatelaine Stephanie and her family and friends in the French, 16th century Chateau de Lalande, in the heart of rural France ❤️
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