Audi x Andrés Reisinger | Sphere

Experience an immersive journey into the digital world. Fuelled by imagination, this is an abstract digital artwork by the digital artist, Andrés Reisinger.  The Audi grandsphere concept* is a glimpse of the future that you can see, touch and experience, Audi’s way to introduce a new idea to the world. Demonstrating how automated driving* and future premium mobility will enable us to live life differently, with more time to observe and examine the world around us. Inspired by the meaningful experience, Andrés Reisinger reinterprets this in an abstract digital artwork fuelled by his imagination. He shapes this vision of the future, giving people the opportunity to understand what is possible in a different, visual and emotional way.  To illustrate the idea of being able to watch your surroundings due to automated driving*, Reisinger put a rotating mirror into a space, reflecting the outside from the inside. By doing so, his work also reflects Audi’s inside-out design approach.
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