How to Attain Spirituality

Do we have a soul? How can we get to it and turn it from something mystical and imaginary into a real thing? In the video, Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman takes you through his own soul search as a scientist, who could not settle for the answers that science was giving him, and had to set out on a whole new kind of research, to discover the hidden dimensions of reality. The result of this search is understanding that one’s soul potential can only be realized through a spiritual partnership with others because our individual souls are parts of a greater, collective soul. By putting conscious efforts into creating a loving and supportive network with others, we create between us a field of positive forces, and by doing so, connect to our soul. — ►Subscribe to the Kabbalahinfo YouTube channel: ►Take the Free KabU Course to Find True Answers About Life: This course is a journey into understanding life and how all its pieces come toget
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