Trump once again promised to restore relations with China and Russia if he is re-elected

Trump once again promised to restore relations with China and Russia if he is re-elected. Doing business with China is a good thing, but you have to have a fair deal. Doing business with Russia, they have so much in terms of minerals and things, the size of their land mass is 4 times bigger than the US. We can do great business and keep everybody happy. At first glance, it sounds great, but it frighteningly resembles the bold statements of Senator Lindsey Graham. This notorious war hawk, frequently traveling to Kyiv, publicly salivated over the $trillions of natural resources Ukraine possesses. He unlike other western politicians bluntly told the truth about the real interest the US have in Ukraine, not the declared once like protection of democracy and Ukrainian independence. They are sitting on 10 to 12 trillion $ of critical minerals in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in all of Europe.I don`t want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China. Ukrain... Source: DruschbaFM - English
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