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Made during WWII by the U.S. Office of Education, part of the Federal Security Agency, this training film was one of a series used to educate wartime factory workers. This particular film demonstrates how a machinist should read and use a blueprint to finish making an iron casting. The machinist is variously shown studying the blueprint at a work desk, comparing the blueprint to the casting in progress, and checking measurements both at a work desk and while the iron casting is on a machine being finished. Production credits: “Machine Shop Work - Fundamentals of Blueprint Reading, No. 3 Principal Dimensions, Reference surfaces and tolerances.“ “United States Office of Education Training Film / Federal Security Agency” (0:07). Credits–Produced by Division of Visual Aids, U.S. Office of Education (J.W. Studebaker, Commissioner) and Federal Security Agency (Paul V. McNutt, Administrator) (0:16). Main title again (0:30). Lone white male machinist holds blueprint in workshop (0:40). Blueprint for finished iron casting (0:51). Closeup of machinist’s hand holding blueprint again (1:01). Machinist sets blueprint in front of him, begins following instructions for circular iron rough casting; machinist gesturing; machinist compares blueprint to object (1:05). Blueprint again, image of cast placed on top of blueprint to show scale correlation (1:24). Visual demonstration of cross-section; blueprint with casting alongside (1:45). Dimension line on blueprint showing diameter (2:05). Image of object with labels of cast iron before and after machining (small size change in object after machining) (2:11). Machinist in workshop holding cast iron, measuring object on table by hand with ruler, blueprint visible behind (2:40). Blueprint—“f“ sign on cross-section blueprint to indicate finishing needs; also thickness marked on blueprint (2:48). Closeup: machinist’s hands measuring thickness of cast iron (3:10). Thickness on cross section blueprint again with various arrows pointing to finishing symbol, thickness dimensions, etc.—step-by-step instructions of how to read blueprint (3:18). Hands of machinist in workshop measuring multiple dimensions of rough iron casting with ruler, blueprint behind (3:33). Blueprint section noting inside diameter dimensions of casting (3:40). Machinist demonstrates dimensions of inside diameter of casting (3:48). More blueprint views (3:58); machinist measuring the hub (4:22). Machinist with upper body visible studies blueprint and rough casting in workshop (4:28). Rough iron casting instantaneously transforming into finished casting, surface by surface (visual demonstration) (4:38). Illustrations overlaid on casting image to indicate correct finishing order of iron object, work in progress (5:08). Iron casting being finished by machine with machinist observing (5:31). Tolerance specified in blueprint (written note displayed, with fractional and decimal dimensions) (5:50). 8-inch diameter, diameters (bore, counter-bore, flange) noted on blueprint (6:08). Machine cutting again (6:41). With semi-finished casting on machine, machinist measures object on machine by hand; machinist reaches to check diameter of object on machine with caliber; finishing machine spins object (6:58). Machinist studies blueprint pinned to toolbox, gestures with ruler (7:12). Closeup: machine drilling hole into iron casting while spinning (7:34). Blueprint for comparison of drilling needs (7:40). Machine tool puts finishing touches after drilling (counter-boring, reaming); various close-ups of finishing process for iron cast (7:58). Machinist’s hands using tools to check diameter while machine is paused (8:20). Closeup of tool—cylinder bore gauge (8:28). Tolerance note on blueprint again (8:38). Split screen comparing machined object to blueprint: two rulers and cylinder gauge measuring dimensions of iron and blueprint after finishing (8:41). Closeup: machinist’s thumb holding cylinder gauge, measurement (9:18). Machinist (upper-body, viewed from above) holds and studies blueprint, toolbox in background (9:38). Machinist holds rough work piece, checks blueprint and compares to casting (9:45). Visual of rough work piece / iron casting again but alone against blank surface (9:59). Closeup: worker’s hands checking measurements of partially finished work piece (inner diameter - cylinder gauge) (10:10). Tolerance specified (10:28). Worker studies blueprint lying on open toolbox (machinist’s body/face partial view), pointing with finger (10:40). Produced by Atlas Educational Film Company.
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit
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