Dumpster Diving Huge Copper Haul - Trash To Treasure - ASMR Metal Melting - BigStackD Copper Casting

Hello you awesome people out there in YouTube land how are you all today? Now a lot of people will probably think these pieces i find were planted but i can assure you this was just a great find. Like i say in the video i just cant understand why anyone would throw this cable out??? Well it worked out for me as i had an awesome huge bar to add to the collection and i had fun melting and pouring as Copper when heated enough will pour like water . Now if only i could Figure out how to get rid of the holes i would be happy. Ive tried super heating the mold , Having a flame on the copper while pouring , Pouring on a vibrating mold etc . Oh well not to worry i love all the bars i make . I hope you all enjoy the video and have a great weekend and ill see you all next friday for some Sand Casting Swarf . If you don’t want the Merch but still want to support the channel Simply donate some of your time to help support the channel just by allowing the ads to play through this will help out a lot and that’s how I make a
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