UFOs Over Northwest Las Vegas, Nevada 7-18-2023 UFO Sighting News.

Eyewitness states: I went up to our rooftop deck. We are in Northwest Las Vegas just a few blocks from the geographic formation called “Lone Mountain“. I have reported 2 or 3 other sightings from our rooftop deck since we moved here in 2015. I often go up to the roof to look at the famous “Strip“ which is visible to our East-Southest. Tonight I was sitting and enjoying the warm evening air when I spotted a bright white light coming from the direction of Area 51 which is 150 miles Northwest from our house. I turned on the camera of my I-Phone 12 and started to record. As the light came closer it turned slightly to the right towards me (east) and I then realized it was an airplane. I stopped recording and was about to put my I-Phone away. Instead I noticed 2 white lights emerge from behind Lone Mountain and they were headed due west. They seemed perfectly spaced apart. The light was constant from them. I turned my i-Phone back on. The airplane I was recording previously was still visible below the 2 lights as it headed in the opposite direction, but you can see it has blinking colored lights. I continued to record the 2 steady lights above and followed them as they seemed to head west over the Sheep Mountain Range which is about 15 miles north of us. The lead light then seemed to burn out after 30 seconds or so. After another few seconds, the second light then burned out as well. Nothing seemed to remain of either light. Both were steady and followed a seemingly level path paralell to the ground before disappearing. I am attaching the entire 2 1/2 minute video to this report.
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