Stay Connected - The Power of Empathy: Dr. Debashish Sengupta about Creative Society

Today we will be talking live on ALLATRA TV UK: 📍About the Creative Society with Dr. Debashish - Award Winning Author and Professor, Academic, Behavioural Researcher, Awakened Learning & Management Consultant and Engagement Coach. 📍Discuss 8 Foundations of the Creative Society and Dr. Debashishes view on them: 📍Find out the ways to build better world and how to inform all of humanity about the Creative Society project opportunities. Let’s build a Creative Society for us and our children together and inform people about this chance to do it! To participate in live broadcasts, please email to: info@ 👉 Creative Society. What the prophets dreamed of | International online conference 👉 Creative Society: the Prospect of Civilization: ​ Ԁ
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