2 We pray for every person that’s in Divine Presence. For the ones that are sinful, first, that doesn’t know Thee, that tonight there might come a healing of their soul and their spirit, that they might altogether become Your servants tonight. We pray, Father, that those who are on the fence, as we would call it, they just don’t know which way to turn, and it may be, this be their last opportunity. We pray, Father, that they will turn their eyes towards Heaven. Grant it, Lord. 3 We would not forget those that are convalescence, that’s in the hospitals and in the—the homes, and that’s sick and
...cannot attend the service, though they would love to, so much. We would ask that the Angels of God would draw near their bedside tonight. And maybe ’cause that we have assembled together and prayed, that You will let healing power come to them, that they can come tomorrow night to the service, and continue on. Grant it, Lord.
60-0301 - He Careth For You
Rev. William Marrion Branham
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