Solve 3x4x5 cuboid with no-parity method

Solve 3x4x5 cuboid with my simple no-parity method. Secret of 3x4x5 Cuboid - it’s 3x3x4 Prism with additional layers on the left and right side. Steps: 0:00 Scramble 0:20 Solve 4 bottom green edges of 3x3x4 prism 0:42 Solve 4 bottom green outer corners of 3x3x4 (alg R2 U R2 U’ R2) 1:20 Solve 4 upper blue outer corners of 3x3x4 (alg R2 U R2 U’ R2 y’ R2 U’R2 U R2) 1:40 Solve 4 upper blue edges of 3x3x4 (alg F2[[R2,U],M2]F2 ) 2:25 Solve 4 edges first middle layer of 3x3x4 (algs [2R2,U2] and [R2,2U’ L2 2U] 3:03 Solve 4 edges of second middle layer of 3x3x4 (alg F2[R2, 2U’ L2 2U]F2) 3:36 Orientation of centers (alg [2U 2M2 2U’, L2] 3:55 Solve 8 inner corners/psudo-edges of 3x3x4 (alg 2R2 U2 2R2 U2 2R2) Alg for solve last 3 pseudo edges (did not appear on this solve) - [2L2,[2R2,U]2]) 4:34 Solve all centers (algs [R2 F2 R2, 2U2] and [2L2, [2R2, 2U]2] for 4:55 case)
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