GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit NEW LORD MAYOR: Full Description: HIGHLIGHTS OF THE NEWS ACKROYD. Sir/CUTHBERT (ALDERMAN & Mrs) Lord Mayor Seen new LORD MAYOR FOR ’56/’57 on the steps of the GUILDHALL ..after the procession to... GUILDHALL. The procession the occasion of the election of the new Lord Mayor of of the Sir Cuthbert ACKROYD & new Lord Mayor of London Col. Sir George James Cullum Welch...(together on steps..) LONDON. The procession heralding the election of the new Lord Mayor of London going to of Sir Cuthbert ACKROYD & CO. SIR GEORGE JAMES CULLUM WELCH together on the steps. CULLLUM-WELCH. COL SIR GEORGE JAMES (SUCCEEDS Ackroyd as Lord Mayor London ’56-57 The procession heralding the election of new Lord Mayor moves to Guildhall London seen w Sir Cuthbert ACKROYD on steps of. Personalities - Local Government Background: NEW LORD MAY
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