How to PREVENT Anime Figures from Yellowing as They Age

Have you wondered what will happen to the thousands of dollars you spent on your anime figure collection as they age? We are probably familiar with anime figures turning oily or sticky by now. Yellowing is also related - in fact it is one of the later stages after your figures turned oily or sticky thanks to plasticizers incorporated into PVC figures. You can’t prevent the aging of the material in figures, but you can reduce the impact of aging on them. Let’s discuss how to prevent figure from turning yellow in today’s video. Pre-order or purchase genuine anime figures from our affiliates: Hobby Link Japan: Amazon Japan: figure&i=toys&camp=247&creative=1211&linkCode=ur2&linkId=48008b31bcc4bc8764f63623b08c7cb2&tag=exkurogane-22 If you are interested in third party unlicensed resin figures, please do check out this channel’s affiliate partner, Orzgk, by making use of this link: https:
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