GV. Pan, top view of the building exhibition at Olympia, London. GV. Woman pulls up garage door to reveal what looks like front door of a house. She steps inside. SV. Man in old Victorian bath, scrubbing his back. GV. Ultra modern bathroom with television screens and controls in front of it. Woman switched it on as she is sitting in bath. SV. Over woman’s shoulder, showing screen. GV. Old type kitchen and bathroom combined with woman hanging stocking over bath to dry. GV. Ultra modern kitchen with washing machine in foreground. CU. Pan, Queen Elizabeth II looking at stand which reads ’Building the Modern Britain’. Queen moves away. SCU. Queen walks with Mr George Drew, High Commissioner for Canada. SV. Man making models of two Blackpool Tower with saw. SV. Queen looking on. CU. Two wooden Blackpool Towers. CU. Queen listening intently to officials. SV. Queen looking at hardboard cutter. GV. Queen with officials watches brick laying.
(Lav. & Neg.) (Orig. Track ’B’)