новые стекла на пейнтбольные маски new goggles on paintball mask

‌PAINTBALL CLUB SCORPION ALMATY The largest tactical paintball range in Almaty We conduct games for both small and large groups. (The largest game lasted 24 hours, 370 players). The game starts with a minimum of 8 players and a maximum of no restrictions. √ Not buggy equipment (adjust the power of the shot for the players). √ Always Clean shape for any height and weight. √ Instructor - paratrooper √ Best paintball prices for the best people. PRICE: 1) Standard 4,000 tenge (100 balls   equipment) 2) Business 6 000 tenge (300 balls   equipment) Additional balls: 15 tenge = 1 ball We give out all the equipment (except for shoes). 3) Sport 5500 tenge (500 balls) for players with their own equipment 15 000 tenge box of paintballs A preliminary application is required. We work seven days a week.
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