Paris Air Show (1969)

Paris Air Show. France. LV The Arc de Triomphe. SV People pointing towards the sky. Ground to Air Concorde 001 in flight. LV Concorde flying over Le Bourget airport. GV Pan Concorde landing. SV Pan Concorde taxiing past camera. GV Andre Turcat walking down steps of Concorde. SV People standing round underneath Concorde. Zoom back to LV. SCU Armaments on ground. Pan up to unknown aircraft. GV Pan Buccaneer. Pan up to show the nose cone. In background is tail of a Russian aircraft. GV Pan Russian plane. GV Pan large prop plane. SV Interior mock-up Airbus with Mr Schiller from Germany and Mr. Chamant of France signing contract. SV Three flag emblems on side of Airbus, (French, German and British). Pan to the two people walking down steps of airbus. GV the airbus. AS Globular object. In background a rocket. LV The unveiling of Apollo 8 capsule. CU Astronaut. SV Another astronaut. GV Three astronauts, MacDivitt, Scott and Schweickart, standing beside capsule with their wives. Pan up to capsule. Pan down to
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