Substance Designer - Mossy Rock Floor Material

Substance Tutorial. This is a time lapse video creating a game texture from the scratch on substance designer. Stylized Node: With this node you can create a very quickly Stylized Material just putting your own pattern. Get this Node joining my top Patreon group: or buy it separately here in gumroad: *PATREON REWARDS* For people who join in my top patreon group now, you can choose between the Stylized node or the Multi Layer Stylized material Tutorial, based in what you choose, next month you’ll receive the other. *I’m Trying to give every month one big reward to my patreons, so join to s...upport the channel: Get the Multi-blend Stylized material Tutorial: Others Product in Gumroad: Help me and my channel: Follow me on Artstation: Others Social Media: * Instagram:
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