Topic 5. Is that you, Grandma

Eyes, ears, nose, mouth Grandma, is that you? Eyes, ears, nose, mouth Grandma, is that you? Is that you, Grandma? Yes, it is. Is that you, Grandma? Yes, it is. Touch your eyes. Touch your ears. Grandma, is that you? Arm, leg, elbow, hand Grandma, is that you? Arm, leg, elbow, hand Grandma, is that you? Touch your arm. Touch your elbow. Touch your foot. Touch your leg. Touch your eyes. Touch your ears. Grandma, is that you? Yes! 1. an eye -глаз 2. an ear - ухо 3. a nose - нос 4. a mouth - рот 5. Is that you? - Это ты? 6. to touch - дотронуться 7. an arm - рука 8. a leg - нога 9. an elbow - локоть 10. a hand - кисть руки 11. a foot - ступня #Longman Topic 5. Is That You, Grandma? #Longman_Young_Children_s_Picture_Dictionary
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