Testing your APIs with Postman and Newman

Testing is an essential part of a quality API strategy. And API testing means taking an “outside-in“ approach to writing and executing those tests. This talk shows you how to create simple request tests (SRTs) to probe your API endpoints as well as apply Dan North’s Behavior-Driven Approach (BDD) to writing powerful tests. You’ll also learn to apply a common model for writing API tests using the Protocol-Structure-Value pattern to create stable, reliable tests that continue to work as expected even as your API changes over time. *** An internationally known author and speaker, Mike Amundsen demonstrates how to improve your testing strategies and increase the success of your API program. Testing your APIs with Postman and Newman is a presentation by Mike Amundsen from live@Manning APIs conference, August 3, 2021. 📚📚📚 Learn with Manning | To save 40% use discount code: tcapis21 📚📚📚
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