No Retreating (Original Song) {Rainbow Dash}

New original song! This one’s about Rainbow Dash. She’s showing off her flying skills to a rookie but also indirectly encouraging him/her to try to be better. I had a hockey coach like this that would always show off his amazing skills and brag to me that I’ll never be as good as him. It motivated me to push myself to be the best I could on his team. Rainbow Dash just seems like she would be that kind of coach. You wants a downloads? Do ya? Do ya? WELL FINE HERE DOWNLOAD LINK - Artwork by my hero the incredible Jamey4!! - Lyrics: I grace the skies You can barely see me as I fly by Perfecting my awesome dives A barrel roll or maybe five Perhaps You’ll be this fast one day That was sarcasm by the way But hey look at the bright side You’ll never prove me wrong if you don’t try I didn’t get this goo
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