Vivaldi, Winter (Four Seasons, RV 397)

Vivaldi’s Concerto for solo baroque violin and strings in F Minor, “Winter“ (L’Inverno, RV 297), performed by Cynthia Miller Freivogel and the Early Music ensemble Voices of Music, with an animated graphical score. Q: Where can I learn more about the ensemble? A: Here: Q: Where can I get this recording? A: You can get the recording from Soundcloud ... ... and you can watch Voices of Music perform it on YouTube ... Q: What do the colors mean? A: Colors are assigned according to pitch, in a system I call “harmonic coloring“ (since it shows changes in harmonies). You can read more about this here: In this video, blue is assigned to the F for the first and last movements and E-flat for the middle movement. Q: Why is the pitch one-half step flat? A: The music is being performed at “Baroque pitch.“ To learn more about this
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