JOHN WICK 2 - The Kill Counter (2017)

JOHN WICK 2 - The Kill Counter (2017) Ever wondered how many people lose their lives in any particular movie, be it action, horror, sci-fi, or even comedy? Well, we’ve got you covered with The Kill Counter, our new series takes out all the guesswork and counts down every death on (and sometimes off) screen. Break out your calculator and try to keep up! For our very first sequel episode, we check up with legendary hitman John Wick for the bombastic hit sequel JOHN WICK CHAPTER 2! SUBSCRIBE for more JoBlo Original Videos HERE: Check out our most popular series PLAYLISTS: 8-BIT TRAILERS: TOP 10 LISTS: AWFULLY GOOD MOVIES: ROOMIES: ...IS KINDA CRAZY: MOVIE MISTAKES: EASTER EGGS: MOVIE TRIVIA POP-UP FACTS: WHERE IT WAS MADE: THE KIL
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