rogan thae ar sogan thae jal jogan thae bahu bhaa(n)th bachaavai ||
He safeguards from maladies, grief and aquatic animals in a number of ways.
saathr anaek chalaavath ghaav thoo than eaek n laagan paavai ||
The enemy may strike many a blow, yet a minor injury cannot be inflicted on the body.
raakhath hai apano kar dhai kar paap sa(n)booh n bhaettan paavai ||
He holds out his hand to protect and hampers the multitude of sins from approaching.
aar kee baath kehaa keh tho saa(n) s paett hee kae patt beech bachaavai || 6||248||
What else need I mention to you about other matters, He even protects (the embryo) in the membrane of the womb (of the mother).(6)(248)