Tides of Leviathan - Wrath of Tiamat (Full Album)

Let the Chaos be awaken. Let it come and cleanse this world from false gods presence. “Wrath of Tiamat“ is our dedication and gift to beloved Primordial Dragon-Mother Tiamat and Her Kingdom. There’re hymns and living invocations to the Dark Gods we serve and follow. This is flame and spiritual lift to all dark souls of the world and death and devastation to false orders. Feel the wrath of Great Tiamat! Call Her and let Her come! Embrace Her Darkness and be reborn! Silim-Madu Ama Ushumgal Sumum Tiamat! * * * * * * * * * * * Released December 22, 2020 Mortifer - vocals, conception Arghul - guitars, mixing, mastering Uggoth - bass Ilya Affectvs - ritual ambient sound design Khaos Dictator - сover art Augustin Romero (Depravarts) - songs illustrations
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