Learn IRISH slang, vocabulary, and expressions

Top o’ the morning to ya! In this lesson, I’m going to teach you common Irish vocabulary and expressions. This includes words for the family, insults, drinking expressions, and more. The Irish words in this lesson are part of the Irish English dialect. Many of them are not part of standard English. I am NOT Irish. I am English. This video is for people learning English, to give them an introduction to the Irish English accent and dialect. Please forgive me for my attempt at the Irish accent! Take the quiz: TRANSCRIPT Hello, there. Welcome to the lesson. Today’s lesson is an Irish lesson and we’re going to learn to speak like Irish people. We’re going to learn some expressions that they use over in Ireland and also some slang. And sometimes I’m going to speak like an Irish... Irish clover, not like a real Irish person, but how the clovers over speak there over in Ireland. Okay? So, when you want to beg
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