In the beginning was sound, Yet we complicate the original
meaning of the words - forgetting our root,
deaf to the sound. Forget that the whole
point of our “uni-verse“ is to bring us
towards the oneness
This sound is the source of all knower
of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the
whole universe. Who is not listening?
All the world is sound and anything that vibrates reacts to vibrations.
At times we put out a signal unaware of its unique imprint
and shocked when it returns to us as a harsh reflection,
sometimes misunderstood by all.
Sometimes we are on different frequencies, or have
static in the atmosphere hindering our communication.
Yet, we feel and want for the same things - oneness,
connection, fulfillment, athomeness, joy, open arms and
unconditional love.
What is the answer? What is the question?
To be free to be who we are and free enough
to accept others the same way, no matter what
the radar bounces back? Or to keep the same
frequency back and forth, back and forth -
even though boredom sets in, never changing the station?
Or to be quiet, communicate only through
feelings, symbols, telepathy, negating the
voice that was given us for expression?
As we forge our way through the
brush and rock, swamp and smooth sailing
in life, we can feel some relief knowing
we are perfect in our imperfection; for
true perfection is static and dead.
Each of us is a note in the sound,
singing our own song; sometimes in
unison with others, sometimes solo.
Joy, anger, fear, hurt, forgiveness, love, passion
and compassion, expressing all the colors we are.
Let’s not deny the god that we are.
And within this symphony, cacophany of
sound, there is harmony, and one song emerges
between us all. And the song is Love.
A video I made..
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